Growth Dynamics provides proven sales performance solutions that help you select, develop and retain an effective sales organization that fits your company and customers.

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Leading Through Challenging Times - Helping Your Sales Team Stay Focused

Leading Through Challenging Times - Helping Your Sales Team Stay Focused

It's everywhere... seems we can't get away from the news and challenges the COVID-19 virus has created... but you CAN lead your sales organization through it!

Sales Team Realities –With companies limiting access to their facilities, many long-standing sales teams may use this as an excuse to retreat… when this is the MOST important time to reach-out and stay connected with customers.

We know many sales teams believe to sell they must have face-to-face meetings… and many struggle to use other ways to optimize their sales efforts to stay in touch, support accounts and be relevant during times like this. 

To make this happen...sales leaders will need to direct the sales team differently.

Being Proactive as a Leader – This is the ideal time to get your sales team moving in a new direction that “transforms” how they think, focus, and adapt in this constantly evolving environment. Set expectations for utilizing the technology they may generally shy away from and get them working in a new way. 

Help your team stay focused on outreach to potential and existing customers by getting creative with online meetings, video conferences, videos, virtual tours and product demonstrations, etc. to stay connected (ie: Zoom, MS Teams, etc.). Optimize marketing resources to support the sales team's efforts to reach out with LinkedIn requests and "warm" email or phone introductions.

Remember…it is human nature to lose focus, stall, and stop selling during a crisis. By stepping up your leadership efforts, your sales team and sales pipeline will be in a stronger position once normalcy returns.

Want to learn more? Click here to contact a GDI representative to receive additional information to support your sales leadership efforts. 

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